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Jun. 14, 2016
Best practices for Implementation of a Shopify Theme
Themes can be a great way to save time and money in a website design (or redesign), but too often this leads to a site looking at best generic, and at...
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Feb. 10, 2016
Setting up a Shopify store in under an hour
Introduction This is an updated version of a post written for the Promeate newsletter back in in 2012, aimed at overcoming the 3 biggest hurdle of starting an online shop - intimidation...
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Feb. 01, 2016
Instagram Widgets and Shopify
Due to the lack of any official instagram widget, adding an Instagram feed to a Shopify website isn't quite as straightforward as one might hope. Some options for achieving this...
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Aug. 02, 2015
Testing and Benchmarking your Website Quickly
Website benchmarking (ie answering the question "How well is my website performing") is obviously an extremely complex and subjective question. But what if you just need to test various aspects...
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Apr. 15, 2015
Setting up the PayPal Express gateway in Shopify
Ensure you have an active paypal business account From the main dashboard, click settings, then click “payments" Find the "select a PayPal method" drop down, choose "PayPal Express Checkout" Click...
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Apr. 12, 2015
Shopify, Domain Registration and Email Setup
Aside from setting up the Shopify store itself, the 2 very common (and important) tasks associated with this are a) registering your domain (such as, and b) setting up an...
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